Royal Bahrain Hospital’s Department of ENT deals with all the major sensory organs that are relevant to human beings. With prominent doctors who have expertise in handling conditions that are pertinent to ear, nose and throat. Considered to be one of the best healthcare centres in the country, we at RBH cover conditions such as sinuses, allergies, sleeping disorders, skin disorders and abnormalities in neck.
Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Royal Bahrain Hospital
RBH Medical Center
Consultant - ENT
Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Royal Bahrain Hospital
Ears, Nose and Throat (ENT)
Royal Bahrain Hospital
RBH Medical Center
The Ears, Nose and Throat department (ENT) prides itself on its application of cutting-edge methods using the latest in medical equipment. Our ENT doctors provide diagnosis, evaluation and treatment for minor as well as complex ENT disorders.Placing the emphasis on right diagnosis, all our ear, nose and throat examinations are recorded and saved as a digital copy which is given to the patient, thus giving this process a transparency that guarantees quality assurance. We also provide numerous special procedures the will improve the concerned area, including regular surgeries, laser surgeries and endoscopies. Most of these new techniques eliminate the need for nose packing post-surgery thereby increasing patient comfort.
Removal of ear wax, fungus, foreign body from the external ear canal under microscope.
Treatment of swimmer’s ear, infections or abscess of the external ears, inflammation of the ear drum (Myringitis), grossly retracted and weak ear drums, glue ears (medical and surgical) and surgical treatment of perforated ear drums
Treatment of perforated ear drums – surgical.
Management of deafness, vertigo (dizziness), tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and chronic middle ear and mastoid bone infections with long standing foul ear discharge (surgery for cholesteatoma)
Throat and Endoscopies
Management of loud snoring, difficulty in swallowing (Dysphagia), Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and abscess of the tonsil (Peritonsillar).
Laser treatment for snoring (LUAP), oral cavity and laryngeal lesions.
Surgical procedures including tonsillectomy and endoscopic Adenoidectomy using shaver.
Foreign body removal from the Tracheobronchial airway (windpipe)/ esophagus (food pipe).
Per oral removal of styloid process for intractable glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
Treatment of nasal allergies and nasal polyps
Management of chronic sinusitis and smell disorders.
Correction of deviated nasal septum, deformed nose andlaser surgery correction of nasal block.
Removal of foreign bodies from the nose
Management of nasal mass, salivary gland disorders, deep neck space abscesses, thyroid gland disorders, and biopsy of Lymph node (neck lumps)